Ok, everybody take a breath: Kim Kardashian is voting for Hilary Clinton

Ok, everybody take a breath: Kim Kardashian is voting for Hilary Clinton via Mashable

And just like that, all was right with the world. The birds began chirping, the sun emerged from behind a cloud, and Kim Kardashian made it clear that yes, she would be voting for America’s first woman presidential candidate come November.

On Friday, social media rent its garments over an alleged quote from Kim Kardashian, attributed to a story in Wonderland magazine: “At first I thought, ‘Oh my God, I’m so Hillary [Clinton],’ but I had a long political call with Caitlyn [Jenner] last night about why she’s voting Trump. I’m on the fence.”

Kim K. sleuths noted the comment did not appear in the online version of the story, as fans tried to come to terms with the possibility of a Kardashian vote for Trump. Mashable has reached out to Wonderland and the author of the article, Eve Barlow, for comment and verification.

The woman herself has now put a stop to the rumours. On Saturday, she released a statement on her website making her position clear: “I’m with her.”

While she did discuss politics with Caitlyn, as the quote suggests, along with other family and friends, she ultimately made the choice that best reflected her values on issues such as “gun control and protecting women’s rights to safe and legal abortion.”

Kim is all in on Hilary. “I believe Hillary will best represent our country and is the most qualified for the job,” she said. “This year, I’m not just voting for myself, but also for my children, and I took that into careful consideration when I made my decision.

“God bless America for allowing us to even make these decisions — there are so many in this world who are not so privileged.”

Clearly, an endorsement via selfie is for life. As it should be.

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